This Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus helps you master the most in-demand full stack development skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, React JS or Angular JS, Node JS, Bootstrap, PHP and MySQL more. Learn to build responsive web applications using both front-end and back-end technologies. In KenStack Full Stack Development course Content is 100% huge exercise-based and hands-on. It has latest Full Stack Course Content for freshers and working Professionals. This Full Stack Developer course syllabus is designed to give you an essence of front-end, middleware, testing and back-end PHP web developer technologies with live projects
Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5
It is intended to make web design and development easier by creating a standardized and intuitive user interface (UI) markup language.
Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using CSS3
Implement MVC and responsive design to scale well across PC, tablet and Mobile Phone
This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to developing CSS3 based web
application. This course builds strong foundation on CSS3 which will help developer to use
CSS3 concepts for building responsive web application
To become proficient in Bootstrap concepts
To develop a web pages based on Bootstrap
This course is targeted for fresh engineers or professional who want to build competency in the Bootstrap Based web development.
Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5, CSS3 and
JavaScript along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop frontend application
validation using JavaScript
This course builds strong foundation of JavaScript which will help developer to apply JavaScript concepts for responsive web frontend and backend development.
Building Strong expertise to develop front end application using HTML5, CSS3 and
JavaScript along with jQuery and AngularJS framework
jQuery is a JavaScript library that provides you with a lot of dynamic behavior “out-of-the-
box”, allowing you to add some creative effects to otherwise dull layouts.
This course provides you hands-on experience and exposure to develop jQuery Mobile based
responsive web application. It builds strong foundation of jQuery which will help developer
to apply concepts for responsive web frontend development.
Learn how to take a static website and turn it into a dynamic website run from a database
using PHP and MySQL.
Analyze the basic structure of a PHP web application and be able to install and maintain the
web server, compile, and run a simple web application.
Learn how databases work and how to design one, as well as how to use php MyAdmin to
work with MySQL.
Learn different ways of connecting to MySQL through PHP, and how to create tables, enter
data, select data, change data, and delete data. Connect to SQL Server and other data sources
Setting up and installing Laravel
Using forms and gathering/validating inputs
Creating an authentication system for your application
Storing and using data by creating data tables and raw SQL statements
Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of model-view-controller (MVC) web applications.
ReactJS basically is an open-source JavaScript library which is used for building user
interfaces specifically for single page applications.
It's used for handling view layer for web and mobile apps
ReactJS is JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components. According to React official documentation, following is the definition. It encourages the creation of reusable UI components, which present data that changes over time.
Implement loops and conditions using structural directives.
Implement one way / two way data binding for data interpolation.
Implement event and error handling.
Implement dependency injection and reusability.
Create routing structure for components for navigation.
AngularJS Training provides you the skills needed to create dynamic web applications. You will learn about the concepts of AngularJS, JavaScript, MVC Framework. This Training covers various AngularJS module in third party, controllers, routes, filters, Node.js, Dependency Injection and Integration with MVC. It includes features of data binding and dependency injection to reduce coding efforts
Building Strong expertise on Node.js core to develop web application
Implement web application and deployment
This course provides you strong foundation on Node.js driven by hands-on experience andexposure to develop NodeJS based application and deployment. During the course you should be able to builds strong background about Node.js architecture, usage of services and applying Node.js concept to develop frontend application supported by backend web servers.